Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Young man's Guide to survive the economic crisis

1. Don't get a credit Card. If you want to buy something, save up and pay with "straight cash homey"

2. Guys get a vasectomy. Girls get an IUD. Babies are expensive and annoying. Wait until you are 30.

3. Learn how to cook. Its cheap and healthy. If you are eating junk food all the time, you will eventually get fat, which will not get you any action, which will bring in depression, which will lead to a suicide, that is if the junk food hasn't clogged your arteries by then.

4. Stop trying to be middle class. Unnecessary stress and its a boring group to be part of.

5. Stop paying for cable. There is nothing worth watching on it. Chappelle show is gone and the warriors suck. Netflix is cheaper and better.
LADIES!!!: They have almost every episode of Law and Order ever made on its WATCH INSTANTLY section.

Tip: Enjoy the cheap gas now, because you know that shit is going to skyrocket and explode like apollo 13.

1 comment:

  1. This wreaks of a collaboration between ELROY and WAGAMAMA. What a happy home!
