Let me disclaim myself by stating openly that i dont really care about being green. If you really want to stop global warming you are going have to stop capitalism. You recycling your cans of garbanzo beans is not going to save the future. So my critique of Hummers is not an ecological one, but rather a logical one. I saw one of these monstrosities in north berkeley and it blew my mind that people still drove Hummers. Have you been in one? its not that cool. if you are going to go full decadent on society you might as well buy a limo at least plebeian people will think you are a movie star or someone important.
What goes through people's minds when they buy these useless prodigal machines? is it "Hmm I want a vehicle that they use in the military. a chopper is too expensive...yeah thats it! I'll buy a hummer." Or "I really want to waste 50 grand on nothing that will elevate me as a person but rather make me seem like a piece of white trash that just found 50 grand. Hummer it is." At least those pussy hemi dodge trucks can be used to move things like ikea furniture or whatever these wacked out yuppies buy them for, but a hummer is absolutely inutile.
Obama should personally go door to door and find the lavish whores who own these shitcars and draft them and their hummers into the army and make them be of service to this country. "You want to support this country? Take your military car and help us in Iraq you piece of flying cunt shit."
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