Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are you obsessed? nope.

I saw a trailer of this movie on TV. I thought it was a goof, but apparently its a real movie. Beyonce still thinks she can act and has to be in the limelight every two weeks or she will wither into oblivion. Her over indulgent and contrived way of acting ruined the third Austin powers movie and made me not want to watch dreamgirls. She also played etta james in Cadillac Records. Qua? People must have forgotten that etta james was fat and ugly, not skinny and pretty like beyonce.

"I'll show you crazy" oh yeah beyonce? i guess the executive producer showed you crazy by allowing this project to be made. The storyline is beyond realistic and i think this is a TV movie of the week remake. The director is Steve Shill who is a TV director which makes sense because of the lesser than mediocre plot twists that this movie seems to have. This trailer actually tells you the story and end in 2 minutes. So my basis for this review is solid. I am going to go ahead and guess that this movie will be nominated for a razzie next year. I would rather watch a 90 minute version of any Geico commercial. At least those are original and sometimes entertaining. When will Beyonce go away? probably when she starts getting compared to dane cook in acting ability. Oh and Jerry O'Connell is the supporting actor, so that will appeal to the "no one cares "demographic

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